New vs Previously Owned

New vs Used
There are many good, used Knitting Machines to be had from reputable Dealers. These are usually trade-ins from people who are upgrading.
The Dealer will check out the machine completely before offering it for sale, refurbishing it and replacing worn parts etc. A limited warranty is usually given also by the Dealer.
CAUTION! Be wary of buying a used machine “as is” from the “For Sale” section of a newspaper or magazine or the Internet. Particularly if you are not Knitting Machine knowledgeable. Seek a professional opinion before buying.
If you do not know what to look for, a dealer will usually check out such a used machine for you and charge a nominal fee, and also give you a quote on any necessary repairs. If the machine is not worth repairing, he will tell you so.
Many classic machines may no longer be purchased new, but are available from dealers. The Yarn guy has hundreds of used and refurbished trade-ins including many hard to find discontinued machines, parts and manuals